Thursday, 23 June 2011

Time ................

Further to my previous blog post on Sour Dough Cake Recipe I can confirm I have reached Day 9! Hooray!!! So this morning at some ungodly hour I divided the mixture into 4 so that I could give 3 away, so my work colleague Sarah has been given one, my friend Julia and of course who can forget the other half of Honestly Its Easy Mel is also due to have hers delivered today. I’m going to attempt to cook it after working all day followed by a meeting after work tomorrow evening and will try and post some pictures, but it’s a manic weekend so bear with me if I can’t get pictures up straight away.

I’ve been so busy with work over the last couple of weeks that I really feel I have been neglecting my garden, when going out yesterday evening to feed the chickens before travelling for dinner at the in laws things are looking very untidy indeed so it is my mission one evening next week to spend at least a couple of hours giving things like the tomatoes and chilli’s a little bit of TLC!

We also have 7 table birds to dispatch (to be honest they should have been done last week but as usual time just ran out!) so they are a priority within the next 7-10 days for sure, especially because one of the cockerels has started crowing and it sounds like an old alarm clock with its batteries running out! I also need to go and help Mel with her table birds as well, oh it’s all going on! The moment I cross one thing off of my to do list another 10 get added! One Step forward 10 steps back scenario!

At this point I would also like to introduce you all to my new favourite friend
Funky Chicken Gifts

These lumps and lump key rings are a must for any chicken lover! And they donate money to Fresh Start For Hens as well! What a bonus!! We love them!! And think you should go and check them out.

Right onwards and upwards with the to do list!

Speak soon!
All the Best!



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