Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Oh for the love of chickens!!!

After carefully plotting out my raised beds and actually sowing some seeds (as you will have read previously hopefully) I was devastated when my partner text me when I was at work the other day saying the chickens had escaped out of the coop and had been scratching around in the beds. I honestly thought they would have demolished the lot. But I am pleased to report not all is lost! When I went out to collect the eggs today (I’m off work at the moment) I have green shoots appearing in the raised beds! So there are at least some seeds left in the beds! Hoorah!!! Not all is lost!

We’ve just started to sell our chicken eggs at the garden gate as well, We already have 2 or 3 regular customers but we are hoping signs on the back gate and front gate will encourage a few more!!

Also listed a few of our bantam lavender pekin fertile eggs on ebay – will let you know how we get on selling them!

We’ve got an incubator full of eggs due this weekend – chicks – ahoy!!

All the best!




  1. This happens to all of us.... the season is just starting so nothing lost! just mke sure he greenshoots are not weeds ;)

  2. just checked - they are plants and not weeds! Blimey! what a relief - maybe they didn't get down to all the seeds! Will monitor the situation closely!x
