Saturday, 26 March 2011

The absent sunshine didn't stop us today!!!

Its amazing how much the weather can change your mood, when the sun is shining I can jump out of bed, smile on my face ready to tackle the day, if its not, I'm like Victor Meldrew who's just discovered cat poo in the flower patch!!!!

Well this morning took me a little time to get into action, but by golly when I did it actually turned out quite productive!

My other half finished our first raised bed and we have now planted our first veggie - The onion set (Turbo) YAY!

We then had a visit from the other half of Honestly Its Easy, Claire, who didn't just watch us while she drank her cup of tea, she actually got stuck in, so we tackled the huge box of strawberry plants that have been sat waiting to be planted since January, I think we counted about 20 plants! Unfortunately I don't have room for them all, so Claire ended up taking some home which still left me with too many, so I will be asking my little boys school if they would like them for the garden!

We also managed to get both the cherry trees in (a cooking variety and a sweet one), some more flower plants planted in the front garden, some general tidying up and we let the table bird chicks out into the big run. (I just couldn't cope with the mess in the house any more!)

Now I always pay my helpers....with unlimited cups of tea and a bacon sandwich! Now thats what I call a bloody good day at work!!!!! Thanks guys!



  1. Sound like a very productive day! Hope the sun is back for you today.

  2. Glad it was sunny for you, if there's bacon sarnis on the go I'll come over and lend a hand :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  3. always happy to to eat Bacon sarnies in the sunshine - we find it is the best way to enjoy the humble sarnie!xxx
